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Charlotte and Atlanta Career Coaching Success Stories

Client_-_RichardRichard was happy with his engineering career at a company he had been with for 15 years.

He had great relationships in the company, made a great salary and was happy overall with work. When the company began to sink, the company had to make a workforce reduction. Unfortunately, this included Richard.

He was completely caught off-guard and quickly out of a job.

Richard was very motivated to start his job search. He was recently divorced and his children were grown, so he did not have much tying him down. Although, since he was divorced, he did not have a lot of savings to give him much time to look for a job.

Richard spent a few weeks using online job searches and LinkedIn to find another job, but it seemed like a lot of companies were in the same position as his last firm. They were reducing their workforce rather than looking to hire anyone. This put Richard in a real predicament and he became very frustrated with his job search.

After a few weeks, Richard was referred to The Frontier Group by a former client. His friend spoke well of his coach and how quickly he was able to find a job with her guidance. With this recommendation, Richard went to The Frontier Group and was paired with an Atlanta career coach, John Richardson. They worked together on his resume, interviewing and much more.

After about seven weeks, Logan landed a job as Consulting Engineer for a mattress company. He is extremely happy because not only did his coach, John, help him secure a position and negotiate a comfortable salary and benefits package, Richard is now doing what he has always wanted to do and is able to travel around the country for his career.

Richard couldn’t be happier with the work he and John did together. He learned so much from his Atlanta career coach, John Richardson, and says he couldn’t have done it without him.

Miss any of the past Success Stories? Here's an Overview and a story about William.

John Richardson is a Vice President and Senior Consultant with The Frontier Group, an outplacement and career coaching firm with offices in Atlanta and Charlotte.

