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Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace - Introduction To New Series

Having just completed a great beach vacation I thought that this would be a great time to take about workplace stress management. At The Frontier Group we provide our executive coaching clients with insights on how to manage stress by using our EQ Leadership training to understand and manage the emotional triggers that will take them away from their ideal behavior. With my vacation glow still in place I thought that now would be a great time to discuss stress management.

  • Atlanta is a stressful place to live and work.
  • We routinely rate in the Top 5 for worst traffic and rude drivers
  • The AJC – our local newspaper – just ran an article “Why So Mad? Experts Weigh In”
  • Our economy is still lagging the national averages putting pressure on everyone in terms of added work pressure and higher than national average unemployment.
  • Our Atlanta Braves are in a prolonged slump – I had to add that.

With all of these external factors it can be hard to keep your emotional balance in a work environment where the stress of impending deadlines, competition, conflicting agendas and work/life balance issues are all around us.

This is where emotional intelligence consulting can help bring everything into its proper place and help each employee stay closer to their ideal self.

Emotional intelligence, as defined by Adele Lynn of The Adele Lynn Leadership Group, is:

“the ability to manage ourselves and our relationships with others so that we can live our intentions”.

This introductory blog is the first of a multi-part series The Frontier Group will be covering on Emotional Intelligence. We hope you will subscribe to our blog or visit us again to learn more. As an Atlanta Executive Coaching and EQ Leadership consulting firm we are proud to be partners with Adele Lynn.




