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Guest Blog - Be Your Own HR Hero

hr_as_hero_-_created_by_cduffygoOccassionally we feature guest blogs that we think are well worth sharing with our audience. This guest blog by Laurie Ruettimann is definitely one of them.

Laurie is smart, irreverent and insightful in her commentary on subjects important to human resource professionals. I have personally been a big fan of her blogs for a while now and her DisruptHR videos are well worth watching.

In this blog Laurie talks about a subject that is near and dear to HR leaders: how HR can talk a greater leadership role. Enjoy.

Do you remember a couple of years back when the “hero persona” was all over?

“Be a hero and save HR. Be a hero and rescue recruiting. Be a hero and bring some donuts to the meeting.”

A few years ago, I attended an executive summit where none of the CHROs wanted to be HR heroes. They yearned to be respected by their colleagues and bosses, which meant ditching the HR moniker and being seen as business leaders.

I asked, “You are successful men and women who are the pinnacle of your careers. If you are not HR heroes, who is?”

Turns out, they thought I could do it. Maybe Kris Dunn. Had they heard of Tim Sackett, he might have been a good candidate.

These CHROs acknowledged that HR professionals needed heroes. They didn’t mind when human resources professionals looked up to them. But when it comes to shaking hands and kissing HR babies, they’d rather avoid flyover country and have someone else do it.

It’s so distasteful. That’s why I wrote my little book called I Am HR: 5 Strategic Ways to Break Stereotypes and Reclaim HR. If those arrogant jerks don’t want to be HR heroes, I wanted to fill a void. In my book, I showcased prominent leaders who do phenomenal work in human resources and recruiting.

I’m due for a second edition. I should get moving. However, part of me understands exactly why those HR executives didn’t want to mingle with the riff-raff.

HR doesn’t deserve any heroes.

Last year, I conducted an off site meeting for HR professionals at a global corporation. Nobody in the room held anything less than a director-level role. The attendees were intelligent, sharp and opinionated. But they weren’t lighting the world on fire, which is why I was there doing HR for human resources leaders instead of spending the day at home with my cats. The CHRO wanted me to shake things up.

Instead of leading a groundbreaking session on disruption and innovation, my greatest accomplishment was uniting everyone in the room in hatred towards me. I’m not new at this. Sometimes that’s the best you can do as a consultant. But one of the highest ranking members of the team told me at the onset that the session was doomed to fail.

“Laurie, I’m not sure how you can stand being here. We don’t have a wind machine for your hair.”

Nice, right?

So now I’m of two minds when people tell me that HR needs heroes. Part of me feels that men and women in the trenches of human resources need examples of strong leadership. The other part of me — the libertarian side — wants to tell HR people to be their own heroes and to start setting a good example for one another.

Honestly, what are you waiting for? You don’t see finance people standing around, waiting for permission. Oh, wait, you do. That’s why they work in accounting. Come on, man. You’re better than that. Do you want to be a self-empowered HR leader or like Bobbi in accounting who can’t process an invoice without seventeen signatures?

(Be you. Don’t be Bobbi. She is miserable.)

I’m a sensible woman, and I know that the correct answer is somewhere in the middle. HR professionals should look for role models, seek out smart and compelling human resources professionals who have something to say, and never doubt themselves when it comes to their HR bona fides.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t need a wind machine to be an HR hero. Although, now that I think about it, it doesn’t hurt. (Look at me. I’m doing fine. Life is good.) Get yourself a wind machine, and while you’re at it, grab a bottle of champagne. Real HR heroes deserve recognition, good hair and bubbly!

The post Be Your Own HR Hero appeared first on Laurie Ruettimann.

Ruettimann-134SQ-1Laurie Ruettimann is an author, speaker and human resources expert. Laurie was a former Human Resources leader who left HR to pursue a career as a writer, speaker and strategist. She founded Punk Rock HR and The Cynical Girl, two critically acclaimed blogs. She is a media and conference veteran who has addressed audiences from Silicon Valley to Istanbul to Sydney. Ruettimann's consultancy, LFR LLC, is a referral-only corporation that offers customized training, marketing, and advisory services in the HR industry.
