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HR Technology Trends for 2016

HR_Analytics.jpgBig data is everywhere – including human resources.

The latest SHRM magazine had an infographic showing some interesting statistics showing how technology is trending within the Human Resources department. 

Here are some of the more interesting facts that came out of the Sierra-Cedar 2015/2016 HR Systems Survey.

46% of organizations expect to spend more on HR technology in 2016 versus prior year.

HR, like all other functional departments, is looking towards technology to drive the analytics designed to helping it perform better. These tools will give HR leaders the data to drive their strategic initiatives and to support the corporate objectives set forth by their CEO. One of the key drivers will be integration. Smart organizations can no longer operate with their functions and systems operating independent of each other. It has gone from a nicety to a necessity.

Another trend driving the increased spending in HR technology is the transformation from a project based change management approach to more of a continuous change management system where updates are always in the plan. As the Sierra- Cedar report states:

Project management practices are based on the idea that all projects have a beginning, middle, and end, and that goals can be achieved as described in the beginning of the process.

Today, we live by Key Performance Indicators and expected overall outcomes because, in reality, goals shift almost daily. It is easy to look at changing end-user requirements as scope creep that must be avoided at all costs, a nuisance to your project plans and Change Management strategies.

In contrast, if your organization practices a culture of continuous Change Management, then end-user requirements will be reviewed regularly with an agile model meant to identify changing requirements as they appear and adjust accordingly.

33% of organizations plan a systems integration initiative. 


The key driver with bringing in new technology will be the ability to allow all systems to talk with each other.As the Sierra-Cedar report states:

... this is up considerably from last year. This initiative suggests that organizations are finding, even with new solution integrations, challenges continue to cost both time and money for HR and IT departments. 

70% increase over the last three years in organizations investing in mobile enabled technologies for HR.

Talent acquisition, benefit reporting, scorecards and any other HR communication needs to be optimized for mobile in order to be effective.The Sierra-Cedar reports shows that organizations are noting strong correllations between employee adoption and engagement of shared services and mobile optimization.Providing mobile solutions make it that much easier for their employees to utilize all of the services provided.

39% of organizations are doing some level of HR analytics.

In order to drive strategy, HR analytics are needed to support decisions. Leaders recognize that the data is there but they need the tools in order to capture and harness it.

22% of large global organizations (10M plus) have plans for a global human resource management system consolidation.

Again, integration is the keyword driving much of the change in HR technology

50%+ of organizations are using new talent acquisition tools apart from their applicant tracking systems.

New and emerging technologies are creating opportunities for organizations to move beyond the limitation of their current applicant tracking systems towards an integrated talent acquisition platform. As the war for talent increases, this will become even more important.

20% of organizations are evaluating their payroll and their workforce management technology vendors and solutions options.

Quite often Payroll and Workforce Management have been seen as the stumbling blocks to HR technology transformation efforts. Now almost 1 out of 5 organizations are evaluating their technology vendor and solution options to find vendors that help them transform into an integrated platform.


