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Millennials - Perception vs. Reality

millenials_splashAn interesting study was just released by Beyond.com about how millennials self perceive themselves versus how older HR managers perceive them. The study revealed that there seems to be a prevailing stereotype that millennials are tech savvy, non committal individualists. The study statistics show a large perception disparity - see below - indicating that that millennials have some real work ahead of them in reshaping their image in the workplace.

Our perspective at The Frontier Group is that millennials can really benefit from coaching that will provide them with objective insights into how to communicate internally in an effort to define and build their personal brand. It is often said that one needs to define them self or let others do it for them.


Eighty-two percent of millennials (ages 19-26) self-identify as being loyal to an employer while only 1 percent of human resources professionals believe them to be so, according to a survey by Beyond.com, an operator of a network of online job boards.

Other conflicting viewpoints from the survey included:

  • 86 percent of HR professionals said millennials are tech-savvy, but only 35 percent of millennials felt they were tech-savvy.
  • 60 percent of millennials thought they would work well with a team but only 22 percent of HR professionals believed millennials would make good team players.
  • 65 percent of millennials responded that they relate well to others but only 14 of HR Professionals thought that millennials were strong communicators.
  • 86 percent of millennials identified themselves as a hard worker while 11 percent of HR professionals thought millennials would work hard.
  • 40 percent of millennials identified themselves as leaders but only 9 percent of HR professionals believed that age group had the ability to lead.

“Until millennials are able to overcome existing stereotypes, they'll have to work extra hard just to get noticed,” said Rich Milgram, founder and CEO of Beyond.com — The Career Network. “Younger job seekers don't have it easy in the current economy, and they've been put in a hole by the generations that have gone before them. Nowadays, it’s not good enough to be good enough — millennials need to match their vision of success with the work ethic that it will take to get there; meaning advanced education, internships and a willingness to go beyond what’s expected.”

The national survey included 6,000 job seekers and veteran HR professionals.
