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Ten Top Misconceptions About Interviewing – Part 2

Last week I shared a great article by Susan Adams in Forbes (www.forbes.com) about the misconceptions many people have regarding interviewing. Below are listed the top ten misconceptions that she has seen amongst interview candidates. I would like to share them and offer some insights on what we have seen at The Frontier group with our career coaching clients

1. The interviewer is prepared
Quite often the interviewer has not looked over your resume and will use an opening questions like “tell me about yourself” to buy themselves some time to review your resume.

2. The interviewer will ask good questions.
When the interviewer has not prepared they will quite often “wing it” and ask the obvious questions. Quite often we are expecting probing and a well thought out line of questioning. In reality this does not happen often enough.

3. They want you to accept their offer of refreshment.
Just because they offer you coffee or water they will not be offended if you decline. We oftentimes think that we will get on the interviewer’s wrong side if we say no. This is not the case at all.

4. The interviewer wants additional materials and references.
During the initial stages the interviewer is trying to establish knowledge on who you are, what you have done and whether they can see themselves effectively working with you. They do not need presentation materials or a list of references up front. It is best to provide these materials upon request.

5. There is a right answer to an interview question.
When you are asked a behavioral or situational based question there is not necessarily a right or wrong answer. What the interviewer is looking for how your thought process and presentation works. The answer is not as important as how you can effectively walk them through how your past accomplishments can translate to their organizations challenges.

6. All your answers should be short.
At The Frontier Group we coach our clients not to story tell or give overly long or detailed replies. That said, there is a risk when this is taken too literally and all of your replies are abbreviated and lacking in substance. Balance and practice is the key to getting the answering right.

7. Hiring managers value skills over physical attractiveness.
This may seem harsh but the reality is that hiring is not done solely on the basis of who has the most skills. Appearance does matter. That does not mean that you cannot get hired unless you are a super model. It does mean that every effort should be taken to present yourself well.

8. When you are asked what you want to do in five years you should takes about your ambitions.
What interviewers really want is someone who will work hard at their current position for as possible.

9. If you are invited to a job interview the job is still open.
One of the frustrating realities in interviewing is that there may not be an open position even though you have been brought in for an interview. A candidate may already have been selected or the position is on hold.

10. The most qualified person gets the job.
The most talented candidate does not always get the job. Quite often it will go to someone who better articulates their value or who better personally connects with the interviewer.
