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3 Signs You're at Risk for a Layoff

layoffby Steve Harvey, OI Partners - The McGuire Group

In our career transition, outplacement business, people often tell us they felt blindsided by a layoff.

How can you avoid being surprised by a layoff notice?

The following three things can help tip you off that something may be coming down the road:

1. Diminished workload – few new assignments coming in

2. Less communication and contact from your boss than in prior weeks and months

3. Financial performance by your company or division that fell below expectations

Every employee should maintain their network even while employed to be prepared for these ‘beyond-your-control’ circumstances. If a layoff does happen to you, remember that outplacement support is something you should consider in order to help you move past the loss and help catapult your career to the next step.

Next week, we look at reasons why a layoff can sometimes be a blessing in disguise.

In the meantime, let us know your experience. Do you have other tips that indicate a layoff is imminent?

If you need career transition services--whether you are an Organization or an Individual--please contact OI Partners today!


Tags outplacement career transition career transition services layoff
