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5 Personality Types That Get Promotions at Work

5 Personality Types That Get Promotions at WorkI recently read a great blog on Mashable.com about the 5 Personality Types That Get Promotions at Work.

In the blog - please see the link below - Mashable.com re-emphasized something that often gets overlooked or dismissed – attitude and personality traits play a significant role in how well an employee performs and advances within an organization.


In the article they quote:

"An overwhelming amount of data supports the claim that personality predicts job performance better than any other known evaluation method, including interviews and IQ tests," said Robert Hogan, a psychologist and president of personality-test provider Hogan Assessments. "Personality should be [a] major factor used to make personnel decisions."

From the analysis and research on workplace success and personality types the Mashable article lists the five personality types that are most likely to earn a promotion:

The "people" person. Clients, colleagues and bosses all like this person. He or she has a pleasant personality, gets along with others and is enjoyable to be around. A people person is likely to be a good manager or team leader because of these qualities.

The delegator. When lower-level employees are given the opportunity to work on a group project, there will always be at least one who assumes the position of leader. This person knows how to give constructive feedback and delegate tasks based on the team members' strengths.

The adapter. This person learns very quickly and is able to adjust to any task or work environment. His or her intelligence and intuition will help in figuring out how to tackle a new role.

The decider. A person who is decisive and confident in his or her decisions is a great fit for a leadership position. The ability to choose a direction quickly and effectively is essential for a strategy-based role.

The ethical person. No matter what the employee's role is, his or her actions are guided by a sense of ethics and integrity. This person won't compromise his or her morals or try to get ahead at the expense of other colleagues.

Hiring managers who choose to conduct formal personality assessments of a candidate or current employee are cautioned to do their research on commercially available tests and only use well-validated measures, Hogan said.


