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Ask A Career Coach - 8 Ideas On How To Manage Job Search Stress

Let’s face it…today’s job search is filled with stress and rejection that comes in many forms.

An effective search requires a large investment of time and energy to develop job search tools, submit lengthy job applications, schedule information and networking meetings, and prepare for phone screens, and interviews.

When we don’t receive an immediate return on our investment, frustration sets in which can negatively impact our future efforts.

What actions can you take to effectively manage job search stress?

1.Take a class to update or learn new skills

The class can provide structure, new goals, a sense of accomplishment, and the opportunity to make new contacts and interact with other professionals.

2. Attend industry and professional organization events

These events provide opportunities to build your network contacts, stay current on industry news and initiatives, learn about companies that are hiring and potential leads. A key factor in today’s job search is timing…being in the right place at the right time.

3 Join a job networking accountability group

The goal of these groups is to share strategies and best practices for the job search and provide the format to develop new contacts. Members hold each other accountable for job search activities.

4. Volunteer for a cause

Show up and serve. Take your mind off the job search and use your experience and passion to help others. Develop additional skills in leadership, team management or project management that will be marketable in your next position.

5. Develop your personal brand

Work on perfecting your resume or LinkedIn profile. Create a personal website to showcase your talents and work experience.

6. Seek support from former colleagues, mentors and trusted advisers

Surround yourself with people who are willing to assist in your career search. Share the actions you are pursuing and ask for their insight and feedback.

7. Allocate a specific amount of time each day to your job search

Develop your marketing plan and document your daily and weekly job activities. Utilize key day time hours for scheduling networking and business meetings that will keep you proactive and energized. Use early morning and evening hours for reactive tasks such as searching on line job postings. Evaluate your results and prioritize the activities that are most productive.

8. Allow yourself to take a break/day off

Balance your job search by spending time with family and friends. Surround yourself with positive people and avoid those who complain about the current job market. Get out of the house and away from the computer. Take a much needed mental break but actively get back into the search at a designated day and time.

To build resilience and endurance for the job search, you must manage your emotions during the frequent highs and lows that occur. If you need additional support, seek out professional help in the form of a career coach/consultant or career management firm. The Frontier Group has a talented team of consultants with over 50 years of collective experience in designing career transition strategies, organizational consulting and coaching.

