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Frontier Group Success Stories

talent_developmentI wanted to take a small break from the regular blog schedule to report on a number a great client success stories that our talented team of career consultants and executive coaches have delivered for their clients. Each story below shows a success that was achieved after hours of devoted individualized attention provided by each coach.

KH, an outplacement client formerly with Herman Miller, accepted the position of Healthcare Project Designer with DeKalb Office Environments, able to leverage her skills in the area of designer software to secure this role. She credits the Frontier process for providing her with the tools and resources to become more confident in executing a search campaign.

PS, a business development professional in the CPG sector, has accepted an offer with Weaver Popcorn Company based in Indiana (the leading provider of microwave popcorn in the US and 90 countries worldwide). The negotiation process has provided for PS and his family to remain in Atlanta as he will be perfectly positioned here to travel as part of his role as their new Export Sales Manager (Asian Region). He is quite pleased with this opportunity in an area that he excels (International Business Development). In addition, he said that the assistance provided to him specific to resume development, interview preparation and guidance, and direction with specific targeted companies/opportunities has been “worth every penny paid the Frontier Group”. He begins with them on April 14th, heading to their corporate offices for several weeks of on-boarding and training.

JC, a business operations professional in the sales and marketing solutions industry formerly with Marketsource, has accepted a position with Crossmark (Group Director, Retail Operations, as a start with plans to escalate him with this business unit). This move provides JC and his family the opportunity to move back to Texas, a top priority and objective for his search. In supporting the client with the tools to expand and utilize his network within a confidential search campaign, he was able to leverage combined contacts (former associates and clients) to receive recommendations that were sent directly to the hiring company on his behalf. After a series of interviews, the cycle progressed quickly and an offer was the result of the process. He started two weeks ago and is already working in the company headquarters (Plano, Texas) as he wife remains to complete the sale of their home.

IA has accepted a new position as Business Analyst with a start-up company called Possible Now (an IT/internet-Software consulting company providing SaaS -Software as a Service). IS is very excited about the new opportunity. She has secured a new position that leverages her strong analytical background and is in a work environment that is fast paced yet accommodating to a mother with young children. It is a great fit in a number of ways.

JS has landed a new position as Director, Product Management with First Data. JS began working with The Frontier Group after years of frustration with her previous employer. Her career was stagnated, she did not like working from a remote location away from corporate and the company environment was not good. Working with The Frontier Group JS was able to get her career trajectory back on a growth curve, enter into a more positive work environment and transition from telecommunications into a new promising career in POS data system using Tasq Technology.

DK accepted the position of Marketing Analysis Director with Watson McDaniel in the Philadelphia area. He was able to get his desired compensation and relocate back to PA where the bulk of family still resides. He was fully employed with another firm while conducting his search campaign and is very appreciative of all the services we provided including the mock interview with you. He is in the process of referring a colleague to consider our services. He will be a strong advocate of Frontier Group.

CR, who has spent the recent past several years leading a top security team for the US Government overseas, became a Frontier Group client while still on active duty. When he was stateside he met with The Frontier Group and aggressively developed strategies to help him be ready to make his career transition once his active duty concluded. CR started a new position as a Deputy Project Manager at AMS. In CR’s words: “Thank you for all of your persistence in coaching me through this process. I know that I haven't exactly been a "traditional" candidate for your services, but you found a way to work with me. I am grateful. You are a stand-up gentleman and I'll be happy to provide an endorsement for you anytime.”

If these success stories interest you please contact The Frontier Group at (770) 455 - 1244 or melissa@frontiergroupusa.com to learn more on how we can help provide solutions to your outplacement or career coaching challenges.



