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The Frontier Group Outplacement Manifesto

 The Frontier Group's core business solution is outplacement.

We have worked hard to build a reputation on helping individuals and organizations navigate the challenging waters of downsizing, job reductions,and involuntary turnover. 

We recently took an introspective look at what we do and created our Outplacement Manifesto to outline what we believe in and are committed to doing.

In thinking about writing this manifesto I have to admit that visions of Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire flashed before me. As a reminder, here is the clip on when Jerry McGuire writes his infamous mission statement. The reaction of his co-workers in the last five seconds is priceless.


We realize that outplacement has a lot of negative perceptions. There are a lot of stereotypes that people have. 

Here is a clip from the movie The Company Men that captures all of the terrible things that people believe the outplacement experience is:


We understand that outplacement involves working with people in career transition, not a pleasant way to engage people.

We believe however that a great deal of positives can come out of our work with these individuals. This is the basis of our manifesto.

Here is The Frontier Group Outplacement Manifesto:

  • We believe that outplacement is valuable and provides a corporate, societal and human benefit to people that are in great need - those in career transition.
  • We believe that our goal as outplacement professionals is to help every assigned employee get re-employed as quickly as possible in positions that help them continue to grow their career.
  • We believe that our business is centered entirely around helping people. That is why we are open to helping anyone who reaches out to us (candidates and non-candidates) by sharing our network and career management knowledge. We cannot guarantee anyone a new position but we will do everything that we can to make a positive impact in their life.
  • We promise to always stay current on all the latest technology and trends so that we can help everyone we come in contact with better understand social media, market trends, resume development, interviewing strategies and how to create their strongest personal brand.
  • We will take pride in being strong advocates for our client companies and represent them well by providing the highest level of candidate service available.
  • We will provide hope, encouragement, accountability and insights to everyone we work with. We realize that being in career transition is challenging. We will be there to help.



