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Why Virtual Will Never Replace Person-to-Person Outplacement


Nowadays, it seems that virtual is taking over every aspect of our lives. In many cases, it makes life expoentially easier. In the other cases, it makes life more diffifult and frustrating.

Ask a Career Coach - Develop a Personal Brand


One discussion topic that has been actively discussed with our Charlotte and Atlanta career coaching consultants is how to best advise our clients on the development of a personal brand.

What Jon Stewart Can Teach Us About Career Transitions


How Redefining Success Can Help Executive Coaching Clients


Over ten years ago, I read a great book The Five Patterns of Extraordinary Careers by James Citrin and Richard Smith. I pulled the book from my dusty bookshelf the other day and began reading it again. It is interesting

Ask A Career Coach - How To Drop Back Into The Work Force


How can you drop back into the workforce after you have dropped out or been unemployed for a long time?

Ask a Career Coach - 7 Benefits of Career Planning


When it is time to look for a new career path or even just a new job, many people go straight to LinkedIn or some online job posting site and start applying to jobs. Even though you can sometimes get replies, which is

Do Career Networking Groups Really Help?


Networking groups are just as important to your job search as are your resume and LinkedIn profile. It is a frequent question if career networking groups are useful to people in job transition. The line of inquiry

Ask a Career Coach - Follow Your Passion


Nowadays, the phrase “Follow your passion” in relation to finding a job has become a sure-fire career suicide mission; that is, unless your passion is numbers or something computer-based. It is unfortunate how some

Ask A Career Coach - Beware Of These 13 Career Killers

Career Management

With hiring on hold for now and employers increasingly wary of whether another economic slowdown is in store, employees should be extra cautious to avoid committing any "career killers."

Will The Resume Become Extinct?


When we look around at the changes that have occurred in communication within the past decade, the focus appears to be upon brevity and accessibility of information. More specifically, when communicating with others, we