Job Search
Thanksgiving, currently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November by federal legislation in 1941, has been an annual tradition in the United States by presidential proclamation since 1863 and by state legislation
It is becoming increasingly difficult to advance your career or make a job change. With there being so much available information and differing opinions about what is right and wrong, it is hard to know how to conduct a
Practice makes perfect. This dictum applies to learning to do anything well -- whether it's riding a bike, speaking a foreign language, or doing a Skype interview with confidence. Consultant Kerrie Hopkins, who works
Career Coaching
It is difficult at times to know whether or not to accept a job offer. If you are nearing a state of desperation or at that point, it is instinctive to accept the first offer an employer makes. The fact is, if the
The Frontier Group works hard to provide each Atlanta and Charlotte outplacement candidate with a positive experience. Below is a recent letter we received from an outplacement client describing her experience:
Executive Leadership
Halloween is a holiday of tricks and scares. Ghosts, ghouls and zombies come out from the woodwork and reign terror on innocent, unsuspecting people. However, as an employee in the workplace, sometimes the scariest part
It used to be widely accepted that you would list your full mailing address on your resume. People assumed that leaving it out sent the wrong message - that you were hiding something.
It is pretty much a given these days that if a candidate’s resume makes it past the first step in the screening process, the next step will be a phone interview. In today’s job market, human resources, hiring managers
Career Coaching
An interesting brochure was recently shared with me. It was the student recruiting material for Kings Ridge Christian School in Alpharetta. The brochure outlines what workplace trends today's millennials are looking for