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How To Give A Killer Presentation

executive presence

I just completed a great Harvard Business Review article by Chris Anderson – curator of TED Talks – on how to give a killer presentation.

Ask A Career Coach - 7 Traits Of People Who Get Hired


Lewis Robinson recently published a great article on Careerealism.com listing the seven mental and psychological traits of people who get promoted. It is ironic that the same 7 traits can be used to describe the people

Greater Workplace Productivity - Follow The Rules Of Dr. David Agus

Executive Coaching

I have just read a great book called “A Short Guide To A Long Life” by David Agus.

5 Personality Types That Get Promotions at Work

Transition - Coaching

I recently read a great blog on Mashable.com about the 5 Personality Types That Get Promotions at Work.

Getting Your Interview Process Off To A Good Start

Ricki Brodie

An interview starts at the front door of the employer’s building. People will be noticing your demeanor, your tone of voice, your clothes and your smile once you are in the lobby. Remember to be positive and reassuring

Don't Sabotage Yourself


A few months ago I read a great HBR blog by Susan David titled "Don't Sabotage Yourself"

Patrick Lynch Quoted on Monster.com


I was recently quoted in an article on Monster.com titled " How To Overcome Your Worst Work Habits". In the article I point out that reviewing your "paper trail" - past performance reviews, e-mail replies, direct

5 Ingredients for Designing a Company for Growth and Success

Executive Coaching

The following is another great guest blog from OI Global Partners. This blog is authored by Bob McKown - our talented Managing Partner in Nashville. In his blog Bob outlines the basic principles to create and sustain a

The Frontier Group Gives Back


Paula Pope – one of The Frontier Group’s Senior Consultants – told me about a great story that her Pastor would tell her congregation regarding service to others.

Amazon Is Paying Employees To Quit Their Jobs - Is This A Trend To Follow?

Employee Engagement

In his most recent letter to his shareholders Jeff Bezos outlined a number of bold and innovative measures that Amazon is taking to continue to drive their customer centric business model. In the letter there was also