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Best Practices for Developing Your Personal Marketing Plan – Part 3


Before continuing our best practice discussion on developing a personal marketing plan, let’s review the first three steps outlined in previous blogs:

Best Practices for Developing Your Personal Marketing Plan - Part 2


In my January 3rd blog, I began a series on how to develop an effective personal marketing plan based on the insights shared with me by John O’Brien, CEO of The Sales Talent Group.

The Frontier Group mentioned in Atlanta's AJC


The Frontier Group was mentioned in a recent Atlanta Journal Constitution article, 12 Job Search Tips for 2012. The article summarizes 12 great job tips for 2012. To read the article, go to:

Best Practices for Developing Your Personal Marketing Plan - Part 1


I recently had an excellent executive recruiter – John O’Brien, CEO of The Sales Talent Group – speak at my career networking (C3G Sales sub group) on how recruiters operate and how candidates can best work with them.

Your Job Search At The End Of The Year - Random Thoughts


As the year winds down I wanted to send out one last blog on random thoughts on job search and career management.

Focus Your Job Search - Part I


One of the key premises in marketing is that successful brands need to focus.

Manage Your Career Like An Entrepreneur


This is an interesting insight that reflects the new reality on how to develop and manage a career plan.

Just What The World Needs - Another Career Advice Expert!

