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Avoid Self Sabotage – Please!


I just read a great Harvard Business Review blog (www.hbr.com) by Susan David on how to avoid the trap of self-sabotage. In the blog Susan discusses how “self-handicapping”(behavior that allows us to protect ourselves

Client Success Stories


During a recent performance review with my career coaching team we reviewed the progress that all of our clients have made in the past six months.

Ten Top Misconceptions About Interviewing – Part 2


Last week I shared a great article by Susan Adams in Forbes (www.forbes.com) about the misconceptions many people have regarding interviewing. Below are listed the top ten misconceptions that she has seen amongst

Job Interview Myths Debunked


One of the most challenging aspects to a job search is the interview.

Reinvent Your Career by Writing Your Own Narrative


I came across an interesting article in the Harvard Business Review (www.hbr.com) on how to differentiate you from other candidates by putting together a narrative on how all of your unique career experiences weave

Employees Grow More Self-Reliant About Career


There was an interesting press release from Right Management (www.right.com) about the importance of taking control over managing your own career. The release presented the results of a survey that Right Management

The Rise Of The "Supertemp"


In the recent Harvard Business Review (www.hbr.org) there was a fascinating article on the rise of the Supertemp – “top managers and professionals—from lawyers to CFOs to consultants—who’ve been trained at top schools

Personal Branding - Lessons Learned From A Super Model


Here is a great article on personal branding that I would like to share

Show Personal Leadership to Advance Your Career


A 2011 ExecuNet study asked a wide range of hiring managers what they consider to be the top ten characteristics that they look for in hiring senior management talent.

Best Practices for Developing Your Personal Marketing Plan – Part 4


This concludes our blog series on developing a personal marketing plan based on the great insights from John O’Brien, CEO of The Sales Talent Group.