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Ask A Career Coach - 5 Tips to Optimize Your Thank You Note


The thank you note is a dying art. Nearly 61% of job candidates have not written a thank you note to their interviewer or hiring manager after they have left an interview or wait for DAYS after to write it (Source:

17 Tips To Better Interviewing From A Senior HR Executive


In most large companies, Human Resources will be a key part of the screening and hiring process. Here are 17 tips from a former Senior HR Executive regarding what they want to hear and observe in the interview process:

Ask a Career Coach: 4 Interview Tips You Haven't Heard


No matter how much experience you have, everyone needs to prepare for an interview. Interviews are somewhat like a test; you prepare as much as you can for it, but you never know exactly how it is going to go. There are

Ask A Career Coach - Interviewing Is Not An Inquiry


I often hear from job seekers and clients how nervous they are regarding an upcoming interview. When asked why, I often receive the following responses:

Ask A Career Coach - What To Wear When Interviewing


Recognizing that first impressions are crucial when you are conducting a job search is fundamental. I recently read a great article in Business Insider “How Your Clothing Impacts Your Success.” In my volunteer work, I

Ask A Career Coach - Be Likeable When Interviewing


Ask A Career Coach - 7 Traits Of People Who Get Hired


Lewis Robinson recently published a great article on Careerealism.com listing the seven mental and psychological traits of people who get promoted. It is ironic that the same 7 traits can be used to describe the people

The Frontier Group Gives Back


Paula Pope – one of The Frontier Group’s Senior Consultants – told me about a great story that her Pastor would tell her congregation regarding service to others.

April Fools! How to Avoid the Joke of the Jobsite Black Hole


Originally posted by: Shawna Simcik, M.S., CMP, Managing Partner, OI Partners Denver March 31, 2014

What You Communicate Without Saying a Word


Patrick Lynch - President of The Frontier Group/OI Global Partners was recently quoted on the Job Scholar website on advice on the nonverbal aspects of interviewing. The link to the blog is below. The full transcript is