Workforce reductions and employee dismissals are hard.
Outplacement has been used to help transition employees out of organizations for decades. The assumption is that not much has changed over the years.
My initial headline for this post was going to be "Outplacement Does Not Have to S**K".
A continuing trend in outplacement has been the increase of virtual delivery of career transition services. Rather than provide outplacement consulting in person at an office many firms have moved partially or entirely
Outplacement is one of the hardest decisions that a business has to make. Downsizing one or one hundred people is difficult. Almost always outplacement is thought of as an event where notice is given, career transition
Recently I wrote a blog discussing “Four Ways To Make Outplacement Firms Can Become More Relevant”. The blog generated some insightful commentary from a number of my professional colleagues. The feedback was so great
Cost reduction efforts have been challenging the necessity to provide corporate outplacement services in severance packages for several years. Outplacement services do matter. Here is a strategic rationale why they
The Frontier Group works hard to provide each Atlanta and Charlotte outplacement candidate with a positive experience. Below is a recent letter we received from an outplacement client describing her experience: