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Outplacement As A Tool To Build Values And Culture

Outsourcing - Coaching

You are trying to build a strong culture and a high performance team but there is one or more than one employees who are making it difficult for you to reach your objective. These employees can be high achievers but

Follow Your Passion

Outsourcing - Coaching

At The Frontier Group I routinely do a career client seminar where I cover job search and career management.

What Does Business Casual Really Mean?

Outsourcing - Coaching

Here is a great blog from Linda Tefend of OI Partners on business casual dress. When it comes to interviewing though we still recommend to our clients that they were business formal - suits, dresses, pant suits - unless

What Women Know about Leadership that Men Don't

Outsourcing - Coaching

I came across this great blog in the Harvard Business Review (hbr.org) regarding the leadership strengths that women possess and men do not. Net - empathy, self awareness and humility will make us all stronger leaders.

Your Next Career Move May Be Horizontal

Outsourcing - Coaching

I just read a great article in the Harvard Business Review by Ron Ashkenas, Senior Partner of Schaffer Consulting. Ron is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker on organizational transformation,

Top Ten Career Transition Lessons Learned From Peter Bourke

Outsourcing - Coaching

I recently came across a great Top 10 list of career transition advice from one of the most knowledgeable experts I know – Peter Bourke.

So Tell Me About Yourself?

Outsourcing - Coaching

This is one of the most common interview questions that we all face. It is an open ended question that can provide you with a tremendous opportunity to showcase your skills, accomplishments, train of thought and

Entrepreneurs: Grayer Than You’d Think

Outsourcing - Coaching

This is a great article that was recently published in portfolio.com. It points out that start-ups and entrepreneurship is not limited to the twenty somethings. Many gray hairs (like me) are making the cross over and

Write Your Resume To Your Target Audience

Outsourcing - Coaching

Last week I had the priviledge to volunteer at the Opportunity Knocks career forum as a career coaching advisor and resume reviewer.

Focus Your Job Search - Part II

Outsourcing - Coaching

In my previous blog I wrote how focus is the key in your job search. Focus creates opportunity because you draw the straightest line for a potential decision maker in terms of connecting you with a position within their