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How Managers Can Positively Impact Society

Leadership Coaching management

Management, when practiced well, can be one the of most noblest of professions. These are the wise words from Clayton Christensen, the recently deceased Harvard Business School professor, and accomplished author. There

Eight Leadership Lessons That Martin Luther King, Jr. Taught Us All

Executive Coaching Leadership Development Executive Leadership Leadership Coaching

In 2014 I wrote a blog honoring Dr. King by listing eight leadership lessons that he taught all of us. Six years later, I would like to revisit and repost this blog. The lessons he taught us are timeless. Here is my

Best Executive Search Practices For Hiring The Right Talent

talent acquisition Executive Search talent development

Talent acquisition is both an art and a science. Hiring the wrong candidate is costly in terms of productivity, money, and morale. There are four executive search best practices that, when followed, can help you make

Six Success Essentials Needed For High-Impact Leadership Coaching

Executive Coaching Leadership Coaching

Over the last two decades, leadership coaching has become mainstream and continues to grow at a rapid pace. A 2018 industry analysis estimates that leadership coaching is a billion-dollar-plus industry with a 6-7%

Business Icon Larry Lavine Joins CMP To Offer Strategic Consulting Solutions

Leadership Development Larry Lavine HR Consulting

CMP Joins Forces With Business Icon Larry Lavine To Offer Strategic Consulting Solutions CMP, a leading executive search, consulting, and outplacement firm, announced today that Larry Lavine will join CMP as Executive

The Future of Outplacement – What Will Change In The Next Decade?

Outplacement Services career transition Outplacement

As we move into 2020, I have (like many of you) read plenty of articles that summarized the past decade and other blogs/posts/videos making bold predictions about the next ten years. Never to miss a chance to jump on

What Will It Take To Be A Leader In The New Decade?

Executive Coaching Leadership Development

What will it take to be a leader in the new decade that we are entering? The days of accepting horrible behavior from a brilliant manager are ending. Leaders at all levels need to accept that leadership involves more

Want to Be A Best Places To Work? Offer Career Coaching To Everyone

Executive Coaching Career Coaching career pathing

It used to be that having the Best Places To Work award or being a marquis brand on the Fortune 500 list was enough to attract and retain top talent. Those days are gone. Today, top talent (or frankly anyone) are

Who Owns An Employee? - The Business Leader Or Human Resources?

Human Resources Talent Management Talent Mobility

Who “owns” an employee? Is it the business leader who the employee reports to (their boss for lack of a better term)? Or could it be that Human Resources “owns” the employee? I was listening to a presentation that Josh

Five Ways External Recruiters Can Help Talent Acquisition Departments

Recruiting talent acquisition Executive Recruiting

Organizations build internal Talent Acquisition (TA) departments to help them save the costs of using external recruiters. In large organizations, the costs savings can be significant. At CMP, we have seen